Labor Support
"Supporting a woman in labor is honoring her strength and helping her find her power."
Birth Education & Labor Support
Some packages may vary:
Prenatal Sessions
Prenatal Coaching/Customized Education
Planning for Birth, Written Wishes, etc.
Prenatal Support by Phone & Text
On-Call Labor Support
Continuous Physical Support in Labor
Non-Medical Pain/Comfort Measures
Informational & Emotional Advocacy
In-Hospital First Latch Lactation Support
In-Home Lactation Support
In-Home Postnatal Session
Resourcing and Referrals
Discounted Postpartum Services
1 - 2 Virtual Prenatal Sessions Including:
Prenatal Coaching/Customized Education
Planning for Birth, Written Wishes, etc.
Prenatal Support by Phone & Text
On-Call Labor Support Including:
On-Call 2 Weeks Pre/Post Due Date
Continuous Physical Support in Labor
Non-Medical Pain/Comfort Measures
Informational & Emotional Advocacy
1 Virtual Postnatal Session:
1 Post-Birth Processing/Counseling Meeting
Resourcing and Referrals
Discounted Postpartum Services:
Day Rate $30 & Night Rate $40
2 Prenatal Sessions Including:
Prenatal Coaching/Customized Education
Planning for Birth, Written Wishes, etc.
Prenatal Support by Phone & Text
On-Call Labor Support Including:
On-Call 2 Weeks Pre/Post Due Date
Continuous Physical Support in Labor
Non-Medical Pain/Comfort Measures
Informational & Emotional Advocacy
1 In-Home Postnatal Session:
1 Post-Birth Processing/Counseling Meeting
Resourcing and Referrals
Discounted Postpartum Services:
Day $30 & Night $40
3-4 Prenatal Sessions Including:
Prenatal Coaching/Customized Education
Planning for Birth, Written Wishes, etc.
Assist in "Greening" Home for Baby
Prenatal Support by Phone & Text
Access to Free Lending Library
On-Call Labor Support Including:
On-Call 2 Weeks Starting Prior to Due Date
Continuous Physical Support in Labor
Non-Medical Pain/Comfort Measures
Informational & Emotional Advocacy
In-Hospital and In-Home Lactation Support Including:
First Latch and Home Arrival Lactation Support
2 hour In-Home Lactation Consult
3 weeks of Continuous Phone/Text Support
1 In-Home Postnatal Session:
1 Post-Birth Meeting (can be combined with Lactation)
Resourcing and Referrals
Infant Sleep Consultation
60 Minute via Phone/Virtual
Discounted Postpartum Services:
Day $30 & Night $40
As a Washington State certified birth doula, I am proud to accept Apple Health (Medicaid) insurance (2025 coverage is currently not available due to program delays), and I can work with HCA accounts and other insurance providers to help secure reimbursement for covered doula support services.
I also understand that financial flexibility is important, which is why I offer a variety of flexible payment options. Every family deserves the support of a doula, regardless of their economic background, and I’m committed to making birth support accessible to all.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can discuss your specific situation. Together, we’ll create a personalized birth plan and payment option that works best for you and your family!
Embrace the Journey!
"An empowered birth ignites a mother’s strength—unveiling resilience, confidence, and a love more powerful than she ever imagined."